"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



if he says any of the following questions on a first date:

  1. So... is there anything that you aren't excellent at? No.  There isn't. (GOSH how in the WORLD do you want me to answer that one and preserve my dignity?!?)
  2. Where do you get your style from? Not your mom I am assuming... My mother is actually pretty classy.  Unlike your manners and questions...
  3. Do you have any strong political opinions you want to discuss? No.
  4. What do you want out of life? Lots of money with little or no work, trophy husband, and a city named after me. What about you?
  5. So mechanical engineering, huh? What do you want to do with that? Is this a trick question?
  6. So uh, you want a career then? I hate children and I can't cook. I like to focus on my strengths.
  7. What do you value in life? See answer #4 above
  8. Are you REALLY happy with your life? Uhhhhh.....
  9. Have you heard of [insert obscure philosopher's name] and his theory on [insert philosophical topic] ?? no comment.
  10. What is your opinion on philosophy? That it is a inferior subject compared to math and music....  
...OH. That's your MAJOR?! I would have never guessed.


I like to think that I live by a set of philosophies...er, um, bad word... "Guiding Principles"  Stuff like, ya know:

  • Don't shop at a place that intentionally spells their name wrong. (i.e. a gas station named "Qwik Stop")
  • Studying is overrated right before a test.  If you don't know it by now then you won't learn it over night so just get some rest.
  • Take as long of a lunch break as you need to recuperate before returning to work.
  • Always cook rice in a rice cooker.  They are cheap, and SO MUCH EASIER AND EFFICIENT than the stove.
  • Always use your blinker.  It is just courteous.
  • Never vote straight ticket.  There are idiots on both sides.

AND now I add a new one to the list:

  • Don't go out with philosophers.*

*This has been backed up by more than one male.  I have a good sample size, don't you worry. And this is NOT the pie-shake-tuxedo-man, fyi. 

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