"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



Paper faces on parade.

More like painted...

My talented mother is the designer of our disguises.
Props mom, props.

My fake eyelashes look like I am shooting FIRE out of my PUPILS.

I was gonna die.

I love sparkles. It was a little girl's dream come true.

I got sparkles on his costume.
He was good about it, considering it was probably a
major blow to his masculinity

 Yeah! You guessed right! The little boy from the Movie "Up".

Although, he wasn't allowed in the dance because he was a "hazard." (The balloons. Lame, I know.)

And I'm not gonna let him forget it, either. 

Hazard. Ha.

Notice he even has the trumpet attached to his backpack. Legit, huh?
Is that a real trumpet?
Can he actually play it?
Quite well, actually.

 AND notice the biblical scene in the background that, uh,  perfectly compliments our attire.
Ahh, only at BYU.


Q and I are as close as they come.  We often get comments from strangers how we appear to be sisters.

Look what happened last sunday:

We didn't plan it.  Cross-my-fingers-hope-to-die-stick-a-needle-in-my-eye

AANND on Week #2 we didn't improve.  

Double whammy.

{I feel like we are posing for inmate (haha, we're ROOMmates) full-body-mug-shots. Guilty of some serious Fashion Crime}

Opinions? Sisters, no?



Full birthdays
Half birthdays
Quarter birthdays.

 I take fraction birthdays very seriously.  Even the 2/3 birthday.

Which is TODAY.
{If there is a reason to celebrate, I will find it.}

My unbirthday at Tucanos

Q's mom decided she'd get funny
and make me dance on the tables
at Tucanos this weekend.

With a tambourine.

She told them it was my birthday
It wasn't.
But I did anyways
and got free ice cream

The end.

Moral of the story: Celebrate your fraction birthdays.
You've got at least 12 (that are easily justifiable)
and as many as 366 (on a leap year).

Oh, P.S. Happy REAL birthday to my dearest roommate Kim.  We are 2 years and 4 months apart. Exactly.

P.P.S. It is the-boy-next-door's missionary birthday.  He returned 2 years ago. See, isn't 27 is a good number?



Me, Q, and siblings BEHIND the caution tape.
oday was a day of firsts.

     First snowfall.
     First day in the JSB basement. {FYI no classrooms down there, folks. Whoops}
     First day in the math lab on campus.

Yes friends, it is true.  Sarah, in her right mind, studied in the math lab.

For the first time.


Yeah.  I made it through both semesters of calculus without help.  But linear algebra...
Let's just say I struggle with any dimension > 2.
Especially 3-D.  I suck at 3-D.  Even though I live in it.
For instance: I ran into a pole the other day.  My depth perception was a little off. That doesn't happen in 2D....



{Maybe I should change the title of my blog to fit the season...}

Did I make this pie??


Do I wish that I did?


Do I  covet the man who knows how to 
(1) "cut in the shortening and butter" for a killer pie crust, 
(2) make impromptu pie filling with strawberry jam, and
(3) add finishing touches such as weaving & crimping to the outer edges?


Just so you know,
 my secret plans include 
exploiting his baking skills
so that I can become
that I should be.

Oh, and then he cooked me dinner.

{Ok. I'm done. This post really isn't working in my favor.
I'm stopping here.}



Test scores are not a good indicator of what I have learned,

I believe.

I argue that the 25-question-multiple-choice-test is not a good sample size of the complete knowledge that is stored in my brain.


I settle for mediocrity.  C's and D's baby. C's and D's.... Because apparently, I will never win against my professors

Knowing that only myself can fully comprehend how much wisdom I have gained in the course.



One day at the playground in 1st grade a girl made fun of my braids.
"Why do you always wear your hair like that? It's funny."

...Bless my mother's heart, she really did do a wonderful job on my hair... 

The next day I refused to let my mother comb my hair. My mother demanded to know where my attitude came from.  After explaining the incident on the playground, my mother said:

"Well who made HER the hair police?"
{One of my mother's better quote-able quotes. }


Today, I was shopping for boots with my mother.  I couldn't even try on the boots with fur.  

No. Fur.

My mother asked where my attitude came from.

"There is this boy down the street that criticizes girls' boots in the winter. He says NO FUR."

"Well who made HIM the boot police? 
...Wait, don't you, uh, question his...masculinity?"

Good call, Mom.  Good call.

No fur.
I got some classy boots, anyways->


Meet Mary:

She left those on my computer for me.  Just so we're all clear, it doesn't qualify as blackmail if the photos are voluntary.

ANYWAYS My sister gave this to me....

She noted how I never quote her on my blog
To cover it up, she pointed out that if I did, I would probably be sued.
Because everything she says is "copyrighted". Or so she claims.

Well, I'm gonna quote her.

"Sarah, this 
[Yorkie candy bar]
is for you--because
everything you do 
'is not for girls'."  ©

Referring to my totally rad major, of course.
Yes. I just used a copyright symbol on the above statement.

I love you, Mary-Rosie-Cotton-Toesy


I'm not quite the "domestic goddess" that I had hoped....

Translating my expression: What. The. H.

They are supposed to be candy corn cookies.

I'll let you be the judge....



Yes, you.
For your "masterpiece"
3.5 hour
multiple choice
aka: "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,j"
economics test.

Lowest test score of my life, thank you.

And you know what I hate even more?
The bloody line you put on the end of your test:


Hah. Funny Kearl.  Real funny.



October 12, 2010
Dearest Russ,

A usual combo for Sarah: Skirt, boots, and Russ.

I am sorry for our 1+ month separation. 
It just had to be.
But now we can be together
For as long as we desire
As I try to figure out this life called "melody"
You can be my harmony.

Nothing can come between us
Except for
that boy down the street.

We can have quality time every day now
Making music

A Girl and 
Her Guitar.

Most affectionately,



This one's for you guys.

Once there was a blue house.  It was a lovely blue house, with giant sunflowers gracing the sides, that took out Spencer's side view mirrors every time he pulled out of the driveway.

This was a house of humor, a house of order, a house of kindess, a house of Music.  Rumor has it that one had to audition on an instrument to qualify for a room at the House of Blues.

Well, except for Braden.  His pre-med test scores were enough proof of his brilliant character.

However, along with the title of musician, an adjective often accompanies it--penniless.  (Again, obviously except Braden...)

So these fine men played for their food one fine Sunday evening....  And on to the story....

Marcus sleeping on his tuba during the car ride. I this picture 


Memorable Moments 
at the McQueen's:
(Check out that alliteration! Spencer! I'm talking to YOU!)

Jory & Marcus playing with the toys in the corner of the living room before dinner started.

Spencer immediately inquiring about the alleged "chocolate stash" as soon as we arrived.

Marcus using the phrase "Acio blackberry jam!" at the dinner table.

Everyone referring to me as "Mom" and not "Sarah"

And just to slap on the title of "Mom"even more....Me wearing an apron as Spencer  was helping me with the dishes.

My grandpa rushing to the neighbor's house to increase the audience, because he was so pleased with the music

Braden doing an Irish jig to "Praise to the Man"

My 2 year old cousin sitting on Jordan's lap as Jordan played the drums

My grandmother's face lighting up with laughter.

Marcus's red face as he played the tuba.  "1, 5, 1, 5...."

Jory getting all of the cousins and neighborhood children (including teenagers) to do the actions to a klezmer version of the Primary song "Book of Mormon Stories"

Q telling me that she never graduated from primary because she flunked the actions to "Book of Mormon Stories"

Playing in the key of B flat.


I'm so proud of my sons!
I raise you well.
Please come to dinner again sometime soon.
Next time, I'll bring my mandolin.

Your loving FHE Group Leader,




Just pondering on the whole dating hoopla.... 
Just humor me and read this post.

The Background:  You are pretty sure the interest is mutual between one another.  There has been no DTR, however.  And ZERO physical affection.


Situation #1: The DTR.  Hour car ride on the freeway to date destination.  
"So, uh. Us. I mean I kinda like you.  And I guess you kinda like me.  So. Ya....etc."[I have to resort to finishing this conversation with an "etc." because it would cause me so much pain to type out the rest of that dialogue.]

Situation #2: The Pause. The night is still young, but still a reasonable time to part separate ways and go home. But there seems to be evidence that neither party wants to leave-- or be brave and suggest plans to continue the night.

"So.... I guess.... I will see you....... tomorrow then....[leaving ample space for the other to interject a second conversation topic.  You don't catch on.]....Ok. Bye. " [leaves car to enter house] 


Situation #3:  Doorstep. Need I say more?


Situation #4: The Movie.  Note: this is a good thing that the night didn't continue on, otherwise this would have inevitably been the default activity.  Do you sit close? Hold hands? Let him put his arm around you? Sit on separate couches?
[Both sit with arms crossed with a 10-bible-thick-separation]


Situation #5: The Matchmaker Roommate.  While having polite conversation, the roommate comes in an starts serenading both of you on the piano.
"What is that you are playing?"
"Improv.  For you two." [both avoid eye contact with each other]

Situation #6: The Second Date. The first one went well. He calls for a second. "Hey, would you like to go out on Saturday night?"  In response to this long awaited call, you forget to mask your ecstatic emotions and boldly reply with an intense:
"YES." [The silence between you is as thick as the sweater that your grandmother knitted you for Christmas] 
with little explanation, or a statement like "yeah, that sounds fun." 
Just, "YES."

Note for the reader:  These are a mix of real-life and imagined situations.  Moral of the story?  Pre-DTR is--yup, you guessed it,



Yup. It's hip.  It's fashionable.

And I am totally jumpin' on this bandwagon {when I normally don't do anything of the sort}
Because it is THAT good.


  1. Pay-per-ounce. Therefore I get to control the cost of my dessert.  For better or worse.
  2. 4 different shops in my immediate location.  Listed in preferential order:
    1. Earth Fruits 
    2. Yozone
    3. Spoon Me
    4. Hello Yogurt
  3. Fresh fruit topping choices (kiwi, strawberry, mango, blackberry, etc.)
  4. Mochi.
  5. Mini gummy bears for toppings
  6. Somewhat healthy
  7. Yummy yogurt flavors--like tangy mango and pomegranate



if he says any of the following questions on a first date:

  1. So... is there anything that you aren't excellent at? No.  There isn't. (GOSH how in the WORLD do you want me to answer that one and preserve my dignity?!?)
  2. Where do you get your style from? Not your mom I am assuming... My mother is actually pretty classy.  Unlike your manners and questions...
  3. Do you have any strong political opinions you want to discuss? No.
  4. What do you want out of life? Lots of money with little or no work, trophy husband, and a city named after me. What about you?
  5. So mechanical engineering, huh? What do you want to do with that? Is this a trick question?
  6. So uh, you want a career then? I hate children and I can't cook. I like to focus on my strengths.
  7. What do you value in life? See answer #4 above
  8. Are you REALLY happy with your life? Uhhhhh.....
  9. Have you heard of [insert obscure philosopher's name] and his theory on [insert philosophical topic] ?? no comment.
  10. What is your opinion on philosophy? That it is a inferior subject compared to math and music....  
...OH. That's your MAJOR?! I would have never guessed.


I like to think that I live by a set of philosophies...er, um, bad word... "Guiding Principles"  Stuff like, ya know:

  • Don't shop at a place that intentionally spells their name wrong. (i.e. a gas station named "Qwik Stop")
  • Studying is overrated right before a test.  If you don't know it by now then you won't learn it over night so just get some rest.
  • Take as long of a lunch break as you need to recuperate before returning to work.
  • Always cook rice in a rice cooker.  They are cheap, and SO MUCH EASIER AND EFFICIENT than the stove.
  • Always use your blinker.  It is just courteous.
  • Never vote straight ticket.  There are idiots on both sides.

AND now I add a new one to the list:

  • Don't go out with philosophers.*

*This has been backed up by more than one male.  I have a good sample size, don't you worry. And this is NOT the pie-shake-tuxedo-man, fyi. 



So as I was at Sammy's eating their ever-famous pie shakes which I happen to
{The pumpkin pie flavor is absolute bliss}


and I decided that maybe

just maybe...

...first dates aren't all that bad.

There. I said it.

Consider the following:

showed up at my door in a tux.  (refer to my opinion on classy atire in a previous post).took me to the symphony. sat in the perfect side balcony seats. easy conversation. pie shakes at sammys. planned yet spontaneous. he wants a 2nd chance at another date because he claims he didn't ask me in enough advance. 

Uhhh, lemme think. Deal.

I may be the math geek, but I still think you guys can add this one up.