"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



All I need to know about 
maximizing my dating 
can be explained 
by simple
principles of economics.

Consider a situation where someone is trying to decide whether or not to continue dating their significant other...  There are a few questions one might want to ponder before executing an action.

1. Is there anything more to be gained from the relationship? (Is there more you can learn about the other person? Is there more you can learn from the other person? )

2. Would you still find it worth your time to continue dating said person?

If you say yes, continue dating.  You haven't maxed out in benefit. If you say no, then you should either break up with the person or marry them because the cost of dating said person has outweighed the benefits. 
So simple. I heart economics.

But then the individual always says:

"But I have invested so much in (insert name here)!"

or in more common
 young adult language:

"But we are such good friends
and have spent so much time together!"

To that, economics has yet another simple answer:

Sunk costs are irrelevant.
Translation: that which was spent in the past is nonrecoverable and can never affect marginal cost benefit analysis.  Or, in three words: History is bunk.

And that is the cold-hearted, hard-nosed, 
economical truth.

Author's note:  I don't wholeheartedly believe this.  Simply put, this principle is monumental in helping girls understand how their business-minded ex could justify dumping them like that [snap fingers]...

Girl, I've only got one thing to say to ya: an economist's analytical skills are WHACK. 


Zack Oates said...

...you are funny. you should read my blog too. i don't follow very many people and i certainly don't leave comments AND i dont' even know you...but i like your writing style.

brava, my fellow BYU dater-hater friend.

Sarah said...

Thank you kindly! Quantifying my dating life is a favorite past time of mine. Cheers! (in your quest for your eternal mate.)

I hope you hear the sarcasm just dripping