"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



I am determined that my dating/social life can be explained by science and mathematics.  Today, I take a more natural approach...

...by applying principles of biology.
{after all, this is what I did all summer}

Consider the competition for mates amongst animals--

Males put on a show (think peacock)

or battle (see below)

all for the female.

This can have some interesting parallels to humans.  When it comes down to it, the female chooses. **
This is because the female is the natural guardian of her young, and she would be wise to choose the strongest, most beautiful mate to give her offspring the best chances at survival.

NOW with this understood we might say that the girl has the most power in the situation.  Theoretically, she has a whole line-up of potential mates to choose from.

BUT there is a catch:

The female must painfully watch countless contestants exert their efforts in vain.  
{If I were the girl giraffe, I would be rolling my eyes--
or telling the peacock "please, just stop."}

And so here I sit
as patiently as humanly possible
and dismissing the suitors with a sigh.

**You can argue this all you want, but a guy can propose many times until a girl agrees to marry him, where a female may reject as many times as she desires, until she chooses one.

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