to my orchestra teacher, Sam:
Let me define....
If you sell your soul to Sam
you enter in a promise
of participation in 2 renowned orchestras
6:30 a.m. rehearsals
{never late}
performances every month
and high standards
of professionalism.
For instance, I didn't sit with my class at graduation.
I sat in the orchestra.
Dedication? Oh it is more that just that.
We are talking about my soul, remember?
Sam always played along with the joke and assured us orchestra members that we would receive our souls back upon graduation from high school.
Fast forward four years. In college, I have joined folk music groups, the Philharmonic orchestra, and I have recently taken up membership in the Orchestra at Temple Square. I play a variety of instruments and am spending all of my free time making music. Last time I checked, I didn't get my soul back.
But I have been thinking...and I understand now. As a naive high school sophomore, I didn't give my soul to Sam, I gave it to music.
And you know what?
I don't think I want it back.
Thank you, Sam.