"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



came out this weekend.

I am dating a Ute Fan.  
And I don't know how I feel about it.

I mean, yes, I knew his family went to U of U, that they cheered for their football team..but he is a BYU student. (And, apparently, a traitor.)

At least in my book he is.

Mostly, I am just shocked....

...that I would ever let myself do this
.....that it went under the radar for so long
.......that there actually IS a Ute Fan out there with some class....

{On the last one, I jest all in good fun. :) }

I feel like...I feel like....ummm.....

I feel like I just found out 
that my favorite love song 
was written about a sandwich.
{From the movie 27 Dresses}


Breanna said...

Wow, good luck with that...

Haha, jk! I'm sure he's a great guy.
I LOVE 27 dresses! Such a great movie!

Mrs. said...

I see this relationship going nowhere. I don't think a U of U fan can have class at all... (Just don't let my grandma hear that I said that)

Sarah said...

Thanks for your vote of confidence, Katie Bell :)