"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



So....I have this beautiful piece of art gracing the shelf of my new bedroom. My mother has excellent taste and knows me too well, so she gave it to me for my 19th birthday.

This is quite fitting and accurate, as far as I am concerned. But somedays I don't feel like that at all. Quite recently, actually. With a new apartment, new roommates, new classes, and a new job, I have been feeling a little out of place. A little more like this...

(I laughed pretty hard on seeing this. There are SO many treasures I continue to find because I forgot where I packed them)

As I continued to browse the site I came across another cute saying that I identified with. Upon graduation from BYU's M.E. program I will be purchasing this piece of wall decor and adding it to my collection.

I'm working on this.
Just you wait and see.

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