"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



You know when a guy asks you out and you don't really want to go out with him? I mean, he is nice, and a great guy, and has a.....um....a sweet spirit?

Yeah. You know the type.

Translation: You're not interested.

So what is a girl to do?? Do you REALLY want to crush heart into smithereens by saying "No thanks."?  And do you REALLY want to grin-and-bear-it through dinner and polite small talk while simultaneously dropping courteous hints like T-mobile drops calls BUT STILL retaining a cordial air and tone??  

(And to think that I actually considered my differential equations class to be stressful, complicated and full of too many variables...)

Well ladies, this is when I praise the high heavens that I can honestly use the phrase:

"I'm sorry, but I'm dating someone."

Love it.

He can't take it personal, no bad feelings between both of you, and best of all: you don't feel like some heartless beast.  So great.  

Hope you can truthfully use it too.  
Best wishes in the dating game,



Christi Lynn said...

haha this is so brilliant!

Carolyn said...

dear sarah, so.........can i still use it if i'm not actually dating someone? eh? because i HATE grinning-and-bearing-it-because-i'm-too-fraidy-cat-to-say-"no-thanks"! :) happy for you.

Sarah said...

Carolyn: Use it to your heart's content. Here, I'll edit my post so you don't have to use it "truthfully..."