"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



Yup. It's hip.  It's fashionable.

And I am totally jumpin' on this bandwagon {when I normally don't do anything of the sort}
Because it is THAT good.


  1. Pay-per-ounce. Therefore I get to control the cost of my dessert.  For better or worse.
  2. 4 different shops in my immediate location.  Listed in preferential order:
    1. Earth Fruits 
    2. Yozone
    3. Spoon Me
    4. Hello Yogurt
  3. Fresh fruit topping choices (kiwi, strawberry, mango, blackberry, etc.)
  4. Mochi.
  5. Mini gummy bears for toppings
  6. Somewhat healthy
  7. Yummy yogurt flavors--like tangy mango and pomegranate

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