"Pi is like love--natural, irrational, and very important"



of Justin Bieber.

Yup. I said it.

I joined my cousin and younger sister at the theaters for his movie "Never Say Never".  And can I just say, "I HAVE THE BIEBER FEVER!"  

Oh, and this movie was fully in 3D.

Guys, Justin Bieber reached out to me with his hand.  I could almost touch it. What an experience. 
All I wanted to do after the movie was run my hands through his luscious hair.

Crying tween girls
Screaming tween girls
Jumping-up-and-down tween girls
I felt like I was 13 all over again. 

And all I'm seeing is purple and lots of hearts made with two hands.

Peace, Love, & Justin 

1 comment:

Mrs. said...

I approve. I'm a strong believer of the Biebs ever since I saw the movie with Kristen Firmage. My 10 year old niece laughs at me, but I will stay true to Bieber.